vat romania

News in the calculation of income tax for micro-enterprises of 1% or 3% in Romania

If, by the deadline of April 15, 2024, you have decided that you qualify for the application of the micro-enterprise taxation regime, and that you still opt for this regime, because:

The company is the only one that applies this regime among all Romanian legal entities in which an associate/shareholder holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the value/number of participation titles or voting rights and was established by the associates/shareholders to apply tax on the income of micro-enterprises;

10 Advantages that a foreigner must know when he wants to open a company (SRL) in Romania.

Then, one of the reasons why it is good for a foreign citizen to open his company in Romania is the one related to the wages in our country, the average income in our country is 400 euros.

Any SRL registered in Romania is recognized throughout the European Union and can conduct business in the European community and beyond.

Cession ( sale) of shares of a company in Romania

Have you decided to sell your business? Or are you looking at buying a business? If so, what’s involved in doing this?

Here we provide a our perspective on matters related to the sale or purchase of an owner-managed business.

What it is that you’re actually selling or buying? This may seem like an unnecessarily obvious question, but it must be answered thoroughly. The answer will define much of what’s contained in an agreement for the sale of a business.

Buying and selling “shares” in a business



Developing countries tend to attract prospective companies with offers of tax breaks, or they could receive subsidies or other incentives to set up a green-field investment. While these concessions may result in lower corporate tax revenues for the foreign community in the short run, the economic benefits and the enhancement of local human capital can deliver positive returns for the host nation over the long term.

We can help you as a parent company to  creates a new operation in Romania from the ground up.

Facilitate or create an IT company in Romania

If you have an IT company in Romania, you can benefit from some general tax facilities, but you also have a special facility, specific to this area. Let's see what these facilities are and how we can benefit from them. For more info mail

General facilities

Employers can benefit from budget subsidies, based on Emergency Ordinance no. 60/2018 for the modification and completion of some normative acts in the field of labor force.