Mastering Recruitment in Romania: Insights and Best Practices

In Romania, the intricacies of recruitment are shaped by a diverse linguistic landscape, with Romanian as the official language spoken by 85% of the population. Additionally, many Romanians are proficient in Hungarian, Romani, Ukrainian, Russian, and Bulgarian, and there is a growing trend among the young population to learn English, French, or German. This linguistic diversity presents unique opportunities and challenges for recruiters aiming to navigate the Romanian job market effectively, making a comprehensive understanding of local talent crucial for successful recruitment strategies.

Mastering recruitment in Romania calls for a tailored approach, considering the multifaceted language skills and educational background of the workforce. As the demand for skilled professionals grows, recruiters must adapt by employing innovative recruitment strategies and understanding the legal framework governing employment. This article aims to offer insights and best practices to enhance recruitment outcomes, from grasping the nuances of Romania's job market and overcoming recruitment challenges to implementing top recruitment strategies and onboarding best practices.

Understanding Romania's Job Market

Romania's job market is a dynamic landscape, characterized by a booming IT industry and a high demand for tech professionals. This demand has led to fierce competition among companies to recruit and retain top talent, making the IT sector a critical area for recruitment focus. The foundation of this booming industry is Romania's strong education system, particularly in mathematics and computer science, which consistently produces a skilled pool of IT professionals.

  • Tech Talent in Demand: The IT industry's growth has positioned IT employees as the best paid in 2023, with an average monthly salary of 6,500 lei (approximately 1,306 euros).
  • Salary Transparency and Application Rates: Job postings on eJobs Romania that listed salaries attracted 40% more applications than those without, indicating the importance of salary transparency in attracting candidates.
  • Entry-Level Focus: A significant portion of job postings (39.6%) targeted entry-level candidates, reflecting a focus on nurturing new talent within the workforce.

The Romanian job market also features a wide range of in-demand jobs beyond the IT sector, including positions like Driver, Medical Assistant, and Engineer, showcasing the diverse employment opportunities available across different industries. The combination of a strong educational foundation, competitive salaries, and a focus on entry-level positions underscores the unique characteristics and opportunities within Romania's job market.

Challenges of Recruiting in Romania

To stay competitive in Romania's dynamic job market, especially within the booming IT sector, companies must adopt a proactive recruitment strategy. This entails:

  • Continuous Recruitment: Establishing an ongoing process to source prospective employees, ensuring a ready pool of talent to meet demand .
  • Utilizing Reputable Recruitment Agencies: Contrary to common misconceptions, many Romanian recruitment firms offer valuable services to both startups and large enterprises, debunking the myth that all local agencies are costly and of negligible quality .

The IT sector, in particular, faces several recruitment challenges, including:

  1. Talent Shortage and Brain Drain: A significant issue, compounded by skilled professionals seeking opportunities abroad .
  2. Salary Expectations: Aligning compensation with candidate expectations is crucial .
  3. Lack of Soft Skills: Technical prowess needs to be balanced with interpersonal skills .
  4. Adapting to Technological Changes: Keeping pace with rapid advancements in technology .

Moreover, embracing digital recruitment and onboarding strategies is essential, especially when hiring remote employees. This approach should include:

  • Posting on popular tech talent sites like Stack Overflow and RemoteOK .
  • Being understanding of technical difficulties and working out the bugs associated with remote hiring .
  • Embracing digital tools for recruitment and onboarding processes to streamline and enhance efficiency .

These strategies and awareness of challenges can guide companies in mastering the complexities of recruitment in Romania.

Top Recruitment Strategies for Success

To navigate the recruitment landscape in Romania successfully, companies can adopt a multifaceted strategy focusing on upskilling, diversity, and leveraging technology. Implementing these strategies effectively addresses the challenges and capitalizes on the opportunities within the Romanian job market:

  1. Invest in Education and Training: Prioritizing the upskilling of current employees can mitigate talent shortages, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation to technological advancements .
  2. Embrace Remote Work: Offering flexible working arrangements, such as remote work, job sharing, and part-time work, caters to the evolving expectations of the workforce and expands the talent pool by removing geographical barriers .
  3. Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Implementing diversity, equality, and inclusivity values not only enhances the company culture but also attracts a broader range of candidates, enriching the talent pool with varied perspectives and experiences .

Additionally, companies should streamline the hiring process, from recruitment to onboarding, ensuring it is efficient and engaging. This includes investing in an engaging onboarding process and addressing frequently asked questions about remote onboarding to make new hires feel welcomed and valued from the start . Employing these strategies, companies can overcome recruitment challenges in Romania, securing top talent while fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

Legal Framework for Employment

Navigating Romania's employment legal framework is crucial for effective recruitment and compliance. Key areas include:

  • Employment Contracts and Probation Periods:
    • Standard positions have a probationary period of 90 calendar days, while management positions extend to 120 calendar days .
    • Notice periods are set at 20 days for standard positions and 45 days for management roles, ensuring both parties have ample time to adjust .
  • Working Hours, Overtime, and Leave:
    • A standard workweek consists of eight hours a day, totaling 40 hours, with overtime compensated at a minimum premium of 75% .
    • Employees enjoy at least 20 working days of vacation annually, with special provisions for sick leave, maternity leave, and paternity leave, emphasizing the importance of work-life balance .
  • Employer Contributions and Employee Benefits:
    • Employers contribute 20.8% of monthly salaries to social security, with additional allocations for unemployment, medical leave, and public health insurance .
    • The legal framework supports non-discrimination in hiring, mandates pre-employment medical exams, and requires adherence to GDPR for employee data protection .

This structure ensures a fair, transparent, and compliant employment process, benefiting both employers and employees in Romania.

Onboarding Best Practices


Onboarding best practices are crucial for integrating new hires into the company culture and ensuring they feel valued and prepared for their roles. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Preparation and Welcome:
    • Ensure the new employee's workspace is ready and that all necessary equipment and access to required accounts or software are arranged before their arrival .
    • Connect early and often with new hires to make them feel welcomed and informed about their upcoming role .
  2. Comprehensive Onboarding Program:
    • Design an onboarding program that provides a clear outline for the new employee's first week, including training that covers job basics as well as tools and resources necessary for excellence .
    • Assign an onboarding buddy or mentor to guide them through their first few weeks, fostering an environment where new employees feel comfortable asking questions and providing feedback .
  3. Engagement and Feedback:
    • Arrange team-building activities, lunches, or coffee breaks to foster team integration 21.
    • Recognize and celebrate milestones to motivate new hires and clearly define role expectations and performance metrics .
    • Solicit feedback after the initial onboarding process to continuously improve the onboarding experience .


Navigating the Romanian job market requires a nuanced understanding of its diverse linguistic profile, education system, and burgeoning industries, particularly within the IT sector. This article has explored the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that define recruitment in Romania, from the significance of embracing a tailored approach that accounts for local linguistic diversity and educational backgrounds, to implementing innovative strategies that meet the evolving demands of a competitive job landscape. Through the adoption of best practices in recruitment, onboarding, and compliance with the local legal framework, companies can significantly enhance their recruitment outcomes, securing top talent and fostering a positive, inclusive workplace culture.

The insights and strategies shared underscore the potential for companies to master the complexities of recruiting in Romania, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning, diversity, and technological adaptation. By investing in the skills development of their workforce, embracing the flexibility offered by remote work arrangements, and upholding values of diversity and inclusion, businesses can navigate the challenges presented by talent shortages and rapid technological advancements. Moreover, adherence to Romania’s employment legal framework ensures a compliant, fair recruitment process, laying the foundation for long-term success and growth in the dynamically evolving Romanian job market.

Call me if you want to recruit people in Romania +32 478 331 799 or mail me We have more then 20 years recruting experience In Romania.

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